Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thoughtful Tuesdays

So, in an effort to make my blog interesting as well as entertaining, I've decided to set aside a day each week for introspection.

Not only did I create a blog as a creative outlet in which to explore the vastness of the world wide web, but also to help me gain more exposure in an increasingly up and coming medium. As a budding public relations practitioner, it is important for me to understand these things you see. :)

Yet as an avid reader, I so frequently come by clips of words phrased so beautifully that I have to pause for a moment. It's one of my absolute favorite things about reading, how you almost turn over a new leaf with each passing page. So instead of trying to store all these lovely quotes in my head, I've decided to share them with my readers.

This week I decided to share a particularly poignant piece which I feel is quite fitting for this week:

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others. -- Cicero

So this week, as I prepare to make the trip home for Thanksgiving, I would just like to remind everyone that not only today, tomorrow, and Thursday, but every day, we should look for that which to be thankful for.


1 comment:

gramercy_gaslight_girl said...

I miss you Ash! Sometimes reading your blog is like reading my own thoughts :) When are you getting home for Christmas? I will be (of course) working at Banana :)